Every ultrasound scan we perform is sent to a team of boarded specialists for review and interpretation. You'll find our reports to be comprehensive, with clear diagnoses and treatment recommendations.
Faster Diagnosis
Results are reported back in 24 hours (4 -6 hours for critical cases)
Our Services
Pennsylvania Mobile Veterinary Ultrasound offers a full scope of ultrasound imaging and procedures within your small animal facility, all done with little disruption to your staff and workflow. We can accommodate a wide range of minimally invasive imaging and sampling, including, but not limited to the following:
- Thoracic Ultrasound and Echocardiogram
- Blood Pressure
- Abdominal Ultrasound
- Fine Needle Aspiration of Organs and Fluid
- Telecytology
- Cystocentesis
- Pericardial/Abdominal Tap
- Urethral/Bladder Traumatic Catheterization
- Pregnancy Scan
- Thyroid and Small Parts
- Orthopedic evaluation of the Achilles, Stifle, and Shoulder
Indications for Ultrasound
Elevated chemistry enzymes
Suspicion of mass(s)
Change in appetite
Respiratory changes
Heart murmurs
Musculoskeletal changes/lameness

Common Indications for Veterinary Ultrasound
Overall, ultrasound will help to:
Define disease severity
Diagnose early
May help avoid unnecessary surgery
Provide non-invasive diagnosis with imaging and/or tissue aspiration
Elevated chemistry enzymes
• Evaluate organ size, vascularity, echotexture
• Obtain fine needle samples to further diagnose primary or secondary disease
• Gather insight on surgical prognosis, multisystem involvement
Suspicion of mass(s)
• Further investigate palpable, or radiographic abnormalities
• Vomiting, diarrhea, increased/decreased appetite or thirst
• Ultrasound imaging can provide the necessary diagnosis of obstructive patterns, pathology, and general morphology of the complete digestive system
Respiratory changes
• Assess minor or advanced lung changes, mass(s)
Heart murmurs
• Evaluate source, severity of velocity elevations
• Valve, muscle function, degree of functional change
• Insight on medication institution, modification
Musculoskeletal changes/lameness
• Evaluate ligament, tendon, and muscle health preoperatively for orthopedic procedures, or to evaluate the need for surgical intervention